Field Crops Program


Field crops refer to three main group of crops which are cereals, oil crops and grain legumes. Research and development of all the field crops is of paramount importance for our food security. The objective and focus of field crops research is to increase the productivity of crops, thereby adding to the total food production in the country. Cereals as imperative food systems in the country, the program’s goal is to increase the productivity through pioneering research on development of improved varieties and generation of improved production technologies to realizing the national goal of food security. The Program mainly coordinate and lead the high-altitude rice research which is conducted in a leased land at Tsento-Shari under Tsento gewog, Paro Dzongkhag. A total of eighteen rice varieties (6 traditional and 12 improved varieties) suited for high altitude areas are maintained by the program. Apart from rice, the program also oversees research and development in other cereals, maize, grain legumes, pulses and oil crops in collaboration with other ARDCs and deliver applied research and extension-based information on integrated field crops production system to farmers.

Two broad mandates of Field crop program are:

  • Lead the high-altitude rice research and maintain high altitude rice germplasm.
  • Develop Organic Agriculture technologies for Field Crops.
  • Field Crops Activities

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