

NCOA is mandated to serve both at national and regional level as follows:

National Mandate

  1. As an apex body for Organic Agriculture, NCOA develop guidelines, implement policy directives and decisions of the National Organic Board (NOB) and National technical Working Group (NWG) on Organic Agriculture.
  2. Facilitate the Registration, Certification, and Regulation of Organic Sector within the purview of the Bhutan Organic Guarantee System (BOGS) and Bhutan Organic Standards (BOS).
  3. Register and regulate Certifying Bodies and other stakeholders engaged in the organic value chain in the country.
  4. Coordinate and lead organic research and development programs including adaptive research on crop improvement and generation of organic production technologies.
  5. Develop and maintain the database in the organic sector.
  6. Serve as the Secretariat for the National Technical Working Group on Organic Agriculture.
  7. Facilitate knowledge management, dissemination, and capacity development needs on Organic Agriculture.
  8. Coordinate the National Potato Research and Development Program
  9. Coordinate the National Vegetable Research and Development Program
  10. Coordinate National Quinoa Commodity Program
  11. Coordinate and implement project plans and programs under the supervision of Department of Agriculture

Regional Mandate

  1. Provide technical support to the Dzongkhag Agriculture Sector of four client Dzongkhags namely Chhukha, Haa, Paro, and Thimphu in planning and implementation of agriculture development programs.
  2. Collaborate and support other ARDCs and Central Programs under DoA in implementing nationally coordinated activities in the region.


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