NCOA is mandated to serve both at national and regional level as follows:
National Mandate
- As an apex body for Organic Agriculture, NCOA develop guidelines, implement policy directives and decisions of the National Organic Board (NOB) and National technical Working Group (NWG) on Organic Agriculture.
- Facilitate the Registration, Certification, and Regulation of Organic Sector within the purview of the Bhutan Organic Guarantee System (BOGS) and Bhutan Organic Standards (BOS).
- Register and regulate Certifying Bodies and other stakeholders engaged in the organic value chain in the country.
- Coordinate and lead organic research and development programs including adaptive research on crop improvement and generation of organic production technologies.
- Develop and maintain the database in the organic sector.
- Serve as the Secretariat for the National Technical Working Group on Organic Agriculture.
- Facilitate knowledge management, dissemination, and capacity development needs on Organic Agriculture.
- Coordinate the National Potato Research and Development Program
- Coordinate the National Vegetable Research and Development Program
- Coordinate National Quinoa Commodity Program
- Coordinate and implement project plans and programs under the supervision of Department of Agriculture
Regional Mandate
- Provide technical support to the Dzongkhag Agriculture Sector of four client Dzongkhags namely Chhukha, Haa, Paro, and Thimphu in planning and implementation of agriculture development programs.
- Collaborate and support other ARDCs and Central Programs under DoA in implementing nationally coordinated activities in the region.
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