Technical Support Program


The Technical Support Program is a cross cutting program in the center and it interlinks the technical program output with the extension program of the Department of Agriculture. Knowledge management and research outreach program is one of the key activities of the Technical Support Program. It also collaborates with other technical program in the center in supporting technically in plant protection, communication, research design and land management aspects. The Technical Support Program comprises of three sub-programs which are Soil and Land Management, Plant Protection, Research and Communication and Policy, Regulation and Coordination. The Soil and Land management and Plant Protection evaluate and develop different packages on organic technologies while the Research and Communication focus on the dissemination and advocacy of organic technologies.

Plant Protection Program

The Plant Protection program is mandated to coordinate the development of organic technologies for demonstration to the farmers and students. It is also responsible in providing the plant protection advices to the technical program under the center. Since the center is an organic research and development center, the Plant Protection program is mandated to carry research on plant protection aspects through organic means.

Soil and Land Management  Program

The Soil and Land management program is mandated to conduct research and development activities on land and soil nutrient management. The section works in collaboration with other technical program and gets an advice and proper guidance from National Soil Service Center regarding soil and land management activity.

Research and Communication  Program

Research and Communication program is mandated to coordinate annual workplan, Annual Performance Agreement of the Center, Annual Regional Review and Planning workshop for western regions. The program also has to coordinate and entertain number of farmers visit, students visit, researcher visit and other institute in the nation as well as international institutes. The section is mandated to produce numerous extension materials to enhance the research and extension knowledge for Agriculture Extension Officer, Agriculture Researcher, Entrepreneurs and farmers. The program also has to coordinate the research outreach program’s activities with support from technical program in the center.

Policy, Regulation and Coordination Program

The stand-alone program for NCOA which is embedded within Technical Support Program is Policy, Regulation and Coordination Program. It is an indispensable program which oversees the national mandate of coordinating Organic Agriculture plans and activities.  This program is vital for developing policy guidelines, implementing policy directives and cross sector coordination of Organic Agriculture. Its major task includes the facilitation of Registration, Certification and Regulation processes to support all stakeholders engaged in the organic value chain. The program also oversees and manages Bhutan Organic Guarantee System, Bhutan Organic Standards, Bhutan Organic Mark and Organic Agriculture database. The Policy, Regulation and Coordination Program is mandated to:

  • Develop and implement policy guidelines and directives of the National Organic Board and National Technical Group on Organic Agriculture
  • Oversee national mandate of coordinating organic agriculture plan and activities in the country
  • Advocacy and awareness of Organic Agriculture in Bhutan
  • Facilitate organic registration, certification and regulation process in the country
  • Facilitate LOAS certification in the country for the local market
  • Manage Bhutan Organic Guarantee System and Bhutan Organic Mark
  • Capacity building of the stakeholders and organic operators

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