The national launching of the De-Suung National Service: Million Fruit Tree Plantation in twenty Dzongkhags was held at Yusipang Chiwog of Chang Gewog, Thimphu Dzongkhag. Honourable Sanam Lyonpo was the Chief guest for the launching ceremony. During the opening ceremony, 42 seedlings symbolizing 42nd birth anniversary of His Majesty the King were planted by Desuups in three farmers’ field. Four types of fruits namely almond, peach, pear and walnut were planted.
The launching ceremony was jointly organized by the Dzongkhag Administration, Thimphu, National Center for Organic Agriculture (NCOA) Yusipang, and the Chang Gewog Administration. The Million Fruit Tree Plantation (MFTP) is a vision of His Majesty the King to enhance farmer’s income and nutrition and it is supported through the De-Suung National Service. NCOA Yusipang is coordinating the MFTP implementation in Chhukha, Haa, Paro and Thimphu Dzongkhags.
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