RMS (Resilient Mountain Solution) Stakeholders’ Meeting is being held from 11th to 12th January at Ro Chog Pel, Thimphu. RMS is a new initiative under the ICIMOD’s Regional Programme: Adaptation and Resilience Building. The overall goal of the initiative is to enhance resilience of women and men in Hindu Kush Himalaya to socio-economic and environmental changes including climate change. RMS engagement in Bhutan mainly focusses on entrepreneurship development on agro and natural resource based enterprises and land & livestock economy in the high mountains.
The 2-day meeting is aimed to discuss and update on technical and financial progress from July to December 2021. And also further discuss on addressing implementation issues and finalize the workplan for the remaining project period. The stakeholders involved are DCSI, DoL, Haa Dzongkhag Agriculture Sector, UWICE-Darla and NCOA-Yuipang. The Project is expected to complete by June, 2022. NCOA-Yusipang is the Project Management Unit for the project which is funded by ICIMOD.
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