In Bhutan, the amount of arable land is shrinking due to climate change, population growth, and urbanization. Some lands are intensely farmed through monocropping while, at the same time, much fallow land remains under-utilized. Crop rotation is practiced in dry lands while, the wet lands in low altitude areas are left fellow in winter after the harvest of paddy even though it is feasible to grow some winter crops.
In order to utilize the wet lands in low altitude areas during the winter seasons, the National Center for Organic Agriculture, Yusipang successfully demonstrated the cultivation of potato during winter season in Kuchin Village under Tendruk Gewog in Samtse Dzongkhag which lies at an altitude of about 1000 masl with support from Food Security and Agriculture Productivity Project (FSAPP).
Five different potato varieties were cultivated for the demonstration trial on 25th November 2022 after paddy harvest. This demonstration trial was carried out in collaboration with the Gewog Agriculture Sector of Tendruk Gewog and in close consultation with Dzongkhag Agriculture Sector.
The main objective of the trial was to confirm the performance of new potato varieties under the rice-based farming system when cultivated after rice harvest and to reduce import of potatoes from India during spring season and also help to generate some additional income for farmers.
The potatoes were harvested on 7th March 2023 and the yield data were colleted. The result of the demonstration trial showed that farmers could harvest yield ranging from 8227 kg/acre to 12273 kg/acre ( Fig.1). From the five varieties evalauted, no yiled was obtained from new variety (Khumal Rato) while the highest yield was obtained from Yusimaap 2 ( Fig. 1).

Farmers preferred Yusimaap and Yusimaap 2 as these two varieties were found to be resistant to blight disease and has appealing red skin colour. Moreover, these two varieties were uneffected by red ants which are a major problem in potato cultivation in the low lands. It has been observed that at least two irrigations during critical growth stages (stolon formation, and tuber formation and development) increase the potato yield. Adding a winter crop of potatoes to rice farming will help increase farm profitability and food production without the need to extend the farm size.
With successful results from the demonstration trial, the National Centre for Organic Agriculture is planning for more of such demonstration trials in Smatse, Chhukha, Sarpang and other low land Dzongkhags in the winter season with fund support from the FSAPP project.
By: Mr. Lobzang
Sr. Agriculture Supervisor
National Potato Program
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