How can we use Plastic Houses during winter season in high altitude areas?
Green houses or plastic houses are simple Protected Agriculture Technology. They are climate proof and can be used to grow some hardy crops during the off season. In high altitude areas most of the plastic houses are kept empty from November to February. These are very expensive structure and its use should be maximized.
Growing leafy greens during winter months is one option.
Mustard green (Sag) transplanted in November at Yusipang, 2600 m asl.
The National Centre for Organic Agriculture, Yusipang, Department of Agriculture, MoAF as an authorized agency for the registration of Organic Certification Bodies (CB) in Bhutan would like to inform all the third-party Organic Certification Bodies (National and International) operating in Bhutan to register with National Centre for Organic Agriculture, Yusipang with immediate effect.
This notification is issued in accordance with the provision of Bhutan Organic Guarantee System (BOGS)